Exam Services Testing Rules
To schedule exams or quizzes from our office, it is your responsibility to schedule using the AIM system (button on this page.)
The ideal scheduling of exams/quizzes with Exam Services is within TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS during Summer Sessions and THREE (3) BUSINESS DAYS during Fall/Spring semesters. If exams are not scheduled within the 2 days/3 days notice, reasonable effort will be made to accommodate students on a case-by-case basis with instructor approval.
All exams/quizzes will be administered at the regularly scheduled time of the class, unless the scheduled exam/quiz time conflicts with Exam Services hours of operation or your class schedule. In those cases, be sure to contact your instructor to schedule an exam for an alternate time/day, either earlier that same day or the day/time agreed upon by your instructor to ensure that your allotted time coincides with your class schedule and Exam Services hours of operation. To change an exam or quiz dates or times, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to reschedule the exam/quiz in AIM. The ideal notice of 2 days/3 days prior to the exam/quiz still applies. The instructor will then need to confirm the time/date. To reschedule your exam/quiz with Exam Services, please refer to “AIM Alternative Testing Instructions for Students”.
Punctuality is essential! You are expected to arrive in Exam Services at the scheduled time. Be prepared to begin all exams with the necessary materials exactly at your scheduled time. Variation from the schedule may cause undue disturbance and disruption to your and/or others exam/quiz accommodations. If your exam/quiz is being picked up at the class or from the instructor, your allowable time starts when the exam/quiz arrives at Exam Services. Do not assume we are picking-up your exam/quiz from the class and it will be arriving at Exam Services later than the scheduled time. We will be consistent with the instructor’s late policy. The instructor is not required to grant a make-up exam/quiz due to tardiness.
You will be allowed to use only the amount of time endorsed by your agreement with our Director, Associate Director or Accommodations Counselor.
You will be allowed to use only the items your instructor has approved in the Alternative Testing Agreement for use on the exam/quiz. You are to supply ALL necessary exam/quiz materials including: blue book, calculators, pencils, scantrons, etc.
No personal items are allowed in the testing rooms with the exception of medications, drinks or snacks that are subject to proctor’s approval.
You are responsible for following instructions on the exam/quiz and will assume any penalties that may result from misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
A proctor will enter your testing area from time to time. You are allowed to wear headphones to assist in distraction limitation. These are available from Exam Services. Breaks and trips to the restroom may be monitored by the DS staff. Students suspected of cheating will need to meet with a Disability Services staff member and the student may be required to surrender his/her exam/quiz and the instructor will be notified. Please see Students Code of Conduct.