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John, On xxx date , etc, describe the situation and the specific behaviors. Who, What, Where, and When. What was not completed, etc. , Performance Improvement Plan 1. Measurable/Tangible Improvement Goals: I expect you to immediately improve your performance. Furthermore, you are now formally notified that any further occurrences may result in further discipline action to include termination. 2. Training or Special Direction to Be Provided: 3. Interim Performance Evaluation Necessary? July 2022 or Every 30 days, etc., or bi-weekly 4. Employee Assistance Program. Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), ComPsych provides various resources Website  HYPERLINK "http://www.guidanceresources.com/" \t "_blank" http://www.guidanceresources.com WEBID: TAMUS Phone Numbers 1-866-301-9623 Work/Life Solutions programby GuidanceResources offerssomeone to talk to and resourcesto consult whenever and whereveryou need them.Log on or call today to connect directly with aGuidance Consultant about your issue or toconsult articles, podcasts, videos and otherhelpful tools. There is24/7 Support,Resources &Information available for employees. 5. Finally, I recognize that you may have certain ideas to improve your performance. Therefore, I encourage you to provide your own Personal Improvement Plan Input and Suggestions: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Attach additional sheets if needed). ______________________________________________________________________________ Outcomes and Consequences ______________________________________________________________________________ Positive: I will remain available to help you and discuss areas where you require additional support. If you meet your performance goals, no further disciplinary action will be taken regarding this issue. In addition, you will develop a sense of accomplishment in helping our department meet its goals while minimizing staff rescheduling and last-minute overtime costs. Negative: You are now being placed on notice that you if you violate any of my expectations listed above, you may be subject to further disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employee Comments and/or Rebuttal (Attach additional sheets if needed.) X Employee Signature Employee Acknowledgment I understand that TAMUCC is an at-will employer, meaning that my employment has no specified term and that the employment relationship may be terminated any time at the will of either party on notice to the other. I also realize that TAMUCC is opting to provide me with corrective action measures, and can terminate such corrective measures at any time, solely at its own discretion, and that the use of progressive discipline will not change my at-will employment status. I have received a copy of this notification. It has been discussed with me, and I have been advised to take time to consider it before I sign it. I have freely chosen to agree to it, and I accept full responsibility for my actions. By signing this, I commit to follow the TAMUCC standards of performance and conduct. Employee Signature and date _______________ Supervisors Signature and date Witness: (if employee refuses to sign) Name Date Time in conference CC: Human Resources Department Next Level Supervisor     PAGE  PAGE 3 -./=?@HSTVWfgq|}~óÇwwjÇ\N\h,hv>*CJPJaJh,h1>*CJPJaJh,h CJPJaJh,h:N5CJPJ\aJh,h 5CJPJ\aJh,hhCJPJ\aJh,hnPCJPJ\aJh,hSE5CJPJ\aJh,h15CJPJ\aJh,hqa5CJPJ\aJh,h ;,5CJPJ\aJh,h1CJPJaJ./W~   8 ]   > o , dh  ^` gd      6 ѱxkk]]kkMh,h ;,5CJPJ\aJh,h1>*CJPJaJh,h1CJPJaJh,hYz 5CJPJ\aJh,hqa>*CJPJaJh,h!>*CJPJaJh,h!CJPJaJh,hv5CJPJ\aJh,h]@~5CJPJ\aJh,h!5CJPJ\aJh,h15CJPJ\aJh,h ;,>*CJPJaJ6 7 8 9 < > B ] ^ a b c e      / 0 4 6 ŷӷӛӷ}mmm}}\}\}!h,h15>*CJPJ\aJh,h ;,5CJPJ\aJh,h15CJPJ\aJh,hv>*CJPJaJh,h ;,>*CJPJaJh,hg >*CJPJaJh,h1>*CJPJaJh,h>>*CJPJaJh,h1CJPJaJh,h>6CJPJ]aJh,h16CJPJ]aJ$6 > F J P Q R S T U Z k l n o y { ~ Ǻថwj]Oគh,h ;,>*CJPJaJh,h<CJPJaJh,h('CJPJaJhu>*CJPJaJh,hqa>*CJPJaJh,hbV{>*CJPJaJh,h1>*CJPJaJh,hp2>*CJPJaJh,hbV{CJPJaJh,hqaCJPJaJh,h CJPJaJh,h1CJPJaJ!h,h15>*CJPJ\aJ  + , 6 > c d e f r G K b q µ쎁ttttdh,h|6CJPJ]aJh,hqaCJPJaJh,hnPCJPJaJh,hvCJPJaJh,h.jCJPJaJh,hgFCJPJaJh,h1CJPJaJh,h15CJPJ\aJhuhuCJPJaJh,huCJPJaJhuCJPJaJh1CJPJaJ , d e f # ^`gd!-DM gdhgd{-DM gd{$d&dNP dh`gdu    O P U yymmamOO==#h,hC6B*CJ]aJph#h,hh6B*CJ]aJphh,h{6CJaJh,hh6CJaJh,hh6@CJaJh,hlTCJPJ\aJh,h1CJPJ\aJh,h{CJPJ]aJh,h15CJPJ\aJh,h1CJPJaJ#h,h{6B*CJ]aJphh,h6CJPJ]aJh,h{6CJPJ]aJU g q ȿ|l\lL<h,hqa5CJPJ]aJh,h!5CJPJ]aJh,h:N5CJPJ]aJh,h)5CJPJ]aJh,h ;,CJPJ]aJh,h ;,5CJPJ]aJh,h!PJ]h,h!PJh,h ;,PJh,h('PJh,h1PJh,h6CJPJ\aJh,hhCJaJh,hCCJPJaJh,hCB*CJaJph &'(:JKpqr{tffXfffXQ@X!h6f h6f 5CJPJ\]aJ h6f h6f h6f h6f CJPJ]aJh,h6f CJPJ]aJh,h)CJPJ]aJh,h ;,CJPJ]aJh,h)5CJPJ]aJh,h 5CJPJ]aJh,h=e5CJPJ]aJh,hqa5CJPJ]aJh,hC5CJPJ]aJh,h ;,5CJPJ]aJh,h6f 5CJPJ]aJ '(K ()MNf & Fgd6f  & Fgd6f gd6f *$1$7$gd6f   '()qqMNqjƳ٥vffvvvvvvvvvh,h)5CJPJ]aJh,h)CJPJ]aJh,h6f CJPJ]aJ$h6f h6f 56CJPJ\]aJh6f h6f CJPJ]aJ$jh6f h6f CJPJU]aJ%h6f h6f 0J$5CJPJ\]aJ!h6f h6f 5CJPJ\]aJ*jh6f h6f 5CJPJU\]aJ&jqW]efnq 4qǹթǹթǛzzzgzSSS'h,hh6@B*CJ]aJph%h,hh@B*CJNHaJph!h,hh@B*CJaJphh,hh5@CJ\aJh,hh@CJ\aJh,h65CJPJ]aJh,hBdCJPJ]aJh,h6CJPJ]aJh,hNCJPJ]aJh,h)CJPJ]aJh,hs6CJPJ]aJEq-GǹǍobbbbUbbGGbh,h1>*CJPJaJh,h7MCJPJaJh,h1CJPJaJh,h15CJPJ\aJh,h\aRCJPJ]aJh,h:NCJPJ]aJh,h65CJPJ]aJh,hBdCJPJ]aJh,h1CJPJ]aJh,h6CJPJ]aJ'h,hh6@B*CJ]aJph+h,hh6@B*CJNH]aJph-IJbc>?}~$a$$ d$d&dNPa$ dh&dPdh$d&dNPGIJbcqu|3Vq>?qOVq}~ 34JSTUVWXqѷĩюююѩh,h>V CJPJaJh,h>V >*CJPJaJh,h1>*CJPJaJh,h ;,CJPJaJh,h(HCJPJaJh,h1CJPJaJ"h,h15OJPJQJ\^Jh,h15CJPJ\aJ84TUVWX $:<=?@BCEFOPQ!h]hgds6 !&`#$gdCF$a$ $9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGMNOPQRXYZ[\]^_`ļhrY0J"mHnHuh) h)0J"jh)0J"UhaXjhaXUh,hwrCJPJaJhwrCJPJaJh1CJPJaJh,h1>*CJPJaJh,h1CJPJaJ*Q\]^_`$a$!h]hgds6 !&`#$gdCF.:pt/ =!"#v$% &x6866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH J`J Normal *$1$7$CJ_H aJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List DA D Default Paragraph FontB/B endnote referenceCJEHD/D footnote referenceCJEH>/!> Footnote Characters@& 1@ Footnote ReferenceH*>* A> Endnote ReferenceH*</Q< Endnote CharactersNrN Heading x$CJOJPJQJ^JaJ6Br6 Body Text x$/q$ ListD"D Caption xx $6CJ]aJ** Index $>> footnote textCJaJhOh text.$ d]^`a$CJOJPJQJ^JaJZOZ pcn:$ 4p d$d%d&d'da$X/X Unnamed Style *$1$7$CJ_H aJmH sH tH ZZ  Footnote Text $]^`CJaJP^P ]*3 Normal (Web) dd*$1$7$[$\$_H4 @4 s6Footer ! !.)@!. s6 Page Number`O2` hbl7#  *$-D1$8$H$M ^ ` 5\_H6U`A6 6f Hyperlink >*B*phcRv!QR 6f 0Unresolved MentionB*ph`^\q PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y `IB $$$'6 6 U jG`, Q` `X  '!!8@0(  B S  ?HY/9:<=?@BCEF^a +1$9:<=?@BCEF^a333-JPZl~+,dGO&p9a-JPZl~+,dGO&p9a/>9W&l?hJTI ̝BWMG C{ i8^8`o() ^`hH.  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