ࡱ> 685i bjbj 4&LfLf%%%%%9999M9iiiiiDDDnpppppp$U!Z%DD%%ii %i%innV@i!wS(" Z0 !!!%HD0t"DDDDDD!DDDDDDDDD :  TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CORPUS CHRITI SPORT CLUB TRANSPORTATION & USE OF WEAPONS AGREEMENT Fencing is the current sport club desiring permission for use of weapons. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi sport club members using weapons in their clubs activities must be aware of university rules pertaining to the presence of firearms and other weapons on campus. EACH MEMBER must realize their obligation with regard to these guidelines and the consequences of any violations to these guidelines. According to the Texas Penal Code, Section 46.03 entitled "Places Weapons Prohibited," it is illegal for an individual to carry a firearm on the campus of an educational institution. Therefore, possession or use of firearms, any type of ammunition, and other dangerous weapons are prohibited on any property owned by A&M-Corpus Christi. This encompasses ALL University Housing. Weapons prohibited include, but are not limited to, firearms (i.e., handguns, rifles, shotguns, facsimile firearms--including laser tag toys); illegal knives (i.e., foil, epee, and saber swords); clubs (i.e., wooden swords, staffs, bows, and nunchakus); whip chains and armor-piercing ammunition. The A&M-Corpus Christi Police Department will strictly enforce these restrictions to assure the safety of all University faculty, staff, students, and visitors. This policy applies to anyone involved in a Recreational Sports sponsored event (students, faculty, staff, and visitors). All weapons may be used only during a sponsored club event at the designated activity area or other approved area. Weapons must be transported in a carrying case and only carried between the activity area and the individual's vehicle. (Any public transportation vehicle is not considered appropriate transportation.) Firearms must be transported unloaded. By arrangement, weapons will be stored in a designated area at the Dugan Wellness Center with lock and key. I, , a member of, , Name (Please Print) Name of Sport Club a recognized student organization, sponsored by the Recreational Sports Department at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, agree to transport all weapons in an appropriate carrying case between the club's designated activity area (or any approved area) and an appropriate vehicle. I have read and understand the above statements and will carry them out to the best of my abilities. Furthermore, I understand that disciplinary action may be taken against the club and me should I fail to abide by this agreement. Signature Date TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CORPUS CHRITI SPORT CLUB TRANSPORTATION & USE OF WEAPONS PROCEDURES Any sport club requesting the use of weapons for practicing and/or competing during sport club activities must have a club officer first meet with the Sport Club Coordinator to discuss procedures/policies. The Sport Club Coordinator will contact the following departments to make them aware of current sport clubs requesting the use of weapons: Recreational Sports, University Police Department, and Student Engagement & Success Office. Each sport club member will be required to complete and have on file the SPORT CLUB TRANSPORTATION & USE OF WEAPONS AGREEMENT. The agreement will serve for one school calendar year and have to be renewed each fall semester. This will serve as a reminder to all club members of the weapons policy. Clubs will also be required to submit form for individuals participating in special events. Copies of the agreement will be kept in the Recreational Sports Department with sport club files. A roster of members requesting use of weapons will be submitted to the Office of Student Engagement & Success for approval. The Office of Student Engagement & Success reserves the right to deny use by an individual and/or sport club. By arrangement, weapons will be stored in the sport club closet in the Dugan Wellness Center unless otherwise authorized. Only approved officers of the club will be allowed to have access to the area where weapons are stored. At each practice, competition or event, an officer from the sport club will contact the sport club supervisor or facility supervisor on duty to gain access to storage area. At the conclusion of each practice, competition or event, the officer from the sport club will be responsible for placing weapons back in locked storage. It is suggested that personal weapons (owned by individual members) which will be used for practices be stored at the Dugan Wellness Center. ALL WEAPONS ARE EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED FROM UNIVERSITY HOUSING. Any violations of the agreement will result in the sport club and its members losing privileges as well as any other consequences deemed necessary through Recreational Sports. 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